Tips for Healthy Summer Hair

Angela Smith
2 min readJun 2, 2021

We all know that the sun can be damaging to our skin. And most of us take the steps necessary to protect our skin from the sun.

However, did you know that the sun can also damage your hair! According to Jessica J. Krant, a dermatologist interviewed by WebMD, the sun literally cooks your hair at the roots.

For those with color-treated hair, it is the most obvious. The color fades and the hair begins to look brassy. But that does mean those with their natural color don’t have to worry about the sun harming their hair. It will still dry out the outer layer of your hair shaft.

And here is the real kicker-dry hair soaks up more moisture and more moisture makes frizz!

Sun is not the only contributor to unhealthy summer hair. Chlorine and saltwater are also damaging. Chlorine strips hair of its natural oils and can leave blond hair green! This is because of the copper and other minerals in chlorine.

Saltwater dries out your hair and skin. That is why you are likely to get pruney skin quicker in the ocean.

No worries. You can still enjoy the summer weather by doing a few simple things.

  1. Wear a hat! They are adorable and they will protect your hair (and face) from the sun.
  2. Use a hair mask that will moisturize
  3. Use a hair treatment that has a UV filter
  4. Before swimming, rinse your hair with clean water. This prevents it from soaking up as much pool or saltwater
  5. Find shampoos and conditioners that are designed for summer or that are super moisturizing
  6. Skip hot hair tools. The sun is having the same effect on your hair as hot irons and the like. Give your hair a break.
  7. Get a trim at the beginning of the season and in the middle of the season. Frequent trims keep your hair looking healthier.

These tips will keep your summer hair beautiful and healthy.

